Deciding where, and in what format, a model ordinance should be published and how access is enabled is not a trivial matter. The decision is influenced by the resources of the host organization, and generally accepted practice for document sharing in your location. In the Massachusetts example the ordinance is hosted on the E4TheFuture website . The single page contains the ordinance, a process statement, and a slide deck. The model ordinance is shared as a Microsoft Word document so that local jurisdictions can easily use it as a template to develop their own ordinance; the slides are in Microsoft PowerPoint.
Whether home rule or statewide adoption, the mode permitting ordinance will always be a starting point for the formal regulatory process. The adoption process for a home rule state could be at the level of City Council or the County Board of Supervisors. For state adoption, the state legislature (House and Senate) is needed for passage. In all cases, ordinances of this type are considered Administrative Law, and the process should be well known by city/state/county planners.
Process for tracking input
TBD by budget and goals